
1. 一般研究発表の申込:8月24日(月)10時~9月25日(金)15時
2. 参加申込:9月25日(金)14時~11月17日(火)15時
詳細は添付資料を参照して下さい(日本語版) (PDF/359KB)
42th Wind Energy Symposium is scheduled tobe held online on Nov.26-27,2020. Details will be announced on the JWEAhomepage and by email as soon as it is decided.
The program consists of a keynote lectures(November 26) and a research presentations (November 27). The main schedule onapplication is as follows.
1. Abstract submission period:August 24, 10:00 – September 25, 15:00, 2018(JST)
2. Registration period:September 25, 14:00 – November 17, 15:00, 2018 (JST)
For details, please refer to the attached document (English version) (PDF/162KB)
1. 一般研究発表の申込:8月24日(月)10時~9月25日(金)15時
2. 参加申込:9月25日(金)14時~11月17日(火)15時
詳細は添付資料を参照して下さい(日本語版) (PDF/359KB)
42th Wind Energy Symposium is scheduled tobe held online on Nov.26-27,2020. Details will be announced on the JWEAhomepage and by email as soon as it is decided.
The program consists of a keynote lectures(November 26) and a research presentations (November 27). The main schedule onapplication is as follows.
1. Abstract submission period:August 24, 10:00 – September 25, 15:00, 2018(JST)
2. Registration period:September 25, 14:00 – November 17, 15:00, 2018 (JST)
For details, please refer to the attached document (English version) (PDF/162KB)